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Program Details

SCIENERGY-2008 is organized with the vision of igniting the minds of budding scientific talents of the country to take up careers in science and technology and serve the nation and its people for creating a better quality of life. The program aims to create awareness in science students about role of youth in the advancement of Science and Technology in India and reveal to them the exciting opportunities in the S&T field of today & tomorrow.

The major events in the program are:

a)      Introduction to DRDO

Celebrating its golden jubilee in 2008, DRDO continues to be an integral part of our defence forces by providing them state-of the –art defense technologies and equipments! Through SCIENERGY-2008, students get a chance to peek into DRDO- the organization, its culture, contributions and achievements.

b)     Samvada- Panel Discussion with Scientists

The Scientists of NPOL are actively involved in the research and development of Sonars and underwater sensors for the Indian Naval fleet. The panel discussion session is a rare opportunity for students to hold scientific discussions with real-life scientists, pose questions to them and get to know about the contributions they make to the nation

c)      ‘Sci-Fundaz’- The Brain teasers

‘Sci Fundaz’ is an interactive audiovisual program based on fundamentals facts of science which coaxes students to think out of their textbooks and open their eyes and ears to the beauty of science around them.

d)     Samasya- Science & Technology Quiz

The S&T quiz will include questions from broad areas of science & technology. Eight teams selected from the preliminary round will move to the finals. Exciting prizes await the winning teams!

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